The paper submitted must be written in English.
or you can use the button below for alternative submission link
Full-length paper manuscripts will be accepted for final review.
You can also Submit by scanning the QR Code for direct link to Easy Chair Portal
Alternative Submission of Papers
The paper to be submitted has not been published previously.
The authors must obtain permission from the copyright for the use of information that has already been published elsewhere.
The title page should contain a maximum of 15 words.
An abstract should contain 70 to 200 words.
The paper should have 4 to 5 keywords.
The introduction section should explain the motivation with adequate background. It should include several literature as basis of the innovative idea.
The methodology section should include the step-by-step procedure on how the study was conducted.
The results and discussions section should discuss the result of the experiments and show the study's strong point compared with others.
The conclusion and future works section should summarize the result and further studies.
The Acknowledgment section specifies any person, organization, and/or funding sources/grants that extended help during the research
The references section should include the reference information from the previous researches.
Contribution to the field.
Clarity and readability of presentation
Technical Quality and originality
Use of English language
Quality of references
Validity of data, results and claims
Oral Presentation Guidelines
The presenter should discuss the paper for 10 minutes or less. If a recorded presentation is preferred, create a presentation uploaded in Google Drive and provide the organizer the access Link.
The presentation should contain important points of the study.
Panel Members will be given 5 minutes for discussion and/or for Comments and Suggestions
No Show Policy
One of the authors must present their paper at ICAMEROB 2024. In the event that the presenter is not able to present their paper without any valid reason, it will not be included for possible publication in the journal or conference proceedings. There will be NO REFUND to be given to the author.